We lie down in our words and make snow angels.We try to remember what it was like to just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.
Be brave, come & join #FiveMinuteFriday. Your words are necessary! (<—Tweet this!)

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Please visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments.
OK, are you ready? Give us your best five minutes on:
I will get back to Asaph tomorrow...and the lie I will let go of this week....
but first here's my five minutes on "empty"
Can't take another thing...not another problem...not another hurt feeling...drained...exhausted...completely empty. What in the world could possibly happen next?
Quiet, desperate prayer...."Ok God, I'm tired, I'm done. I can't do any more. My cup is empty."
And into that emptiness, that aching void, that "I can't do another thing"....steps my Jesus, my Savior, my friend, my healer. And He holds out His hand, and He touches my cheek and He says to me...
"Beloved child...you can. You can go on because I am here."
And as I choke back a quiet sob, and feel my eyes fill with those hot, prickly tears....I realize...I am no longer empty....but filled with His grace and love...and not just filled....but overflowing.
mmm beautiful. :)