
Psalm 143:8

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.
Psalm 143:8

Friday, July 13, 2012

Who Am I Really? (Or...Letting Go of the Lies....again)

I have a confession to make....I have had a really rotten couple of days.  Really rotten.  And in these last couple of days I have had to do some letting go.  That I REALLY did not want to do.  And it hurts and it brings back all those voices in my head that tell me over and over that I am not enough, I am worthless, I am a fool, I am stupid and ugly and, and, and.....  I feel like I am drowning in an ocean of horrible cold tendrils reaching out and pulling me under....

And I wonder why?  Why do I let the Enemy speak to me?  Why do I let his voice have precedence in my head??  Why do I listen to his hiss and let those words take hold of my heart?  Why do I believe that's who I am?

In the search box on the right, type in the words letting go of lies.  This will give you a list of posts where I share some of these lies that I have allowed to be truths in my life.  These lies that I supposedly laid at the foot of the cross....NOT to take up again.  But guess what?  In my human frailty, I crawled right back over there and put each one of them back in my pocket.  You know what??  I think they grew there in my pocket....

The time has come to lay them down again.  To tell the Teller of Lies to go away.  To let the Light of the World shine on my heart and illuminate the very darkness that tries to dwell there.  Time to send that ancient serpent slithering away and to fall into the arms of my Savior who loves me with no conditions, with grace and forgiveness.  Time to be confident in who I am in Christ.

In the book by Sarah Young titled Jesus Calling, I read these words today...."Instead of trying to "fix" yourself, fix your gaze on Me, the Lover of your soul.  Rather than using your energy to judge yourself, redirect it to praising Me.  Remember that I see you clothed in My righteousness, radiant in My perfect Love." 

So, who am I really?  I am beloved.  I am daughter of the King.  I am beautiful, radiant, worthy, whole, forgiven, saved, sealed, and enough.  In the eyes of man?  Doesn't matter what the world thinks or says.  In the eyes of God?  I matter.  Period.

Are you struggling with lies today?  Are you struggling to "fix" yourself because you think don't measure up to someone else's standards, or even your own?  Let it all go.  Fix your gaze on the One who truly loves you and know that you truly matter to Him.  He desires relationship with you, and for you to let go of the lies that hold you down...the old hurts, the new hurts, the things by which you think others judge you, the things by which you judge yourself.

Who are you really?  You are His.  And so am I.  And how dare I say I don't matter?

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