Here we are at the end of this series of 31 Days to Choose Joy. When we put joy in a proper perspective, we see that it is possible to be joyful matter the situation. It doesn't mean being happy and smiling doesn't mean being a Pollyanna wearing rose-colored glasses and trying to convince everyone that everything is just fabulous all the time.
Rather, it means focusing on Jesus. It means remembering God's faithfulness no matter what is going on in our lives. It means being grateful and expressing our thanks to God in all things. It means living a life according to the values He places on our hearts. It means living consistent with His will for us. It means staying close to Him through worship, prayer, and studying His Word. It means loving Him, and loving others according to His commands. It means choosing joy daily, by choosing to follow Christ.
Joy comes when we live as one fearfully and wonderfully made. When we accept the truth of who we are in Christ...the truth of what we have in this life as a Christ follower...the truth of what we have in eternity as a saved and beloved Child of God.
So choose joy. Choose Him.
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