....for my children....who I love so very much.
....for sisters and brothers.
....for sisters and brothers in Christ.
....for friends who support with a word, a smile, a quiet listening, a hug.
....for the baby snuggles I got yesterday with lovely little Lilly.
....for the quiet dark early in the morning.
....for the love of God that lights my life from the inside.
....for opportunities to go forward...even when I'm scared.
....and knowing that I can lean on Jesus and He will dispel that fear.
....for the people who come into my office at work...coworkers, friends, members of the church family, those who just need to talk for a while...
....for big belly laughs that sound so joyful.
And I am grateful for each of you for sharing a moment of your day with me by stopping by to read. Take a few moments today...every day...to think of a few things you are grateful for...and see if it doesn't change your attitude just a little. Live in gratitude, in thankfulness for what He has given you. And look at the challenges in your life and find the positives - the things you can learn from, the things you may be able to share, encourage, or help someone else through later. Whisper a word of thanks to our Creator, our Father, our Rock. Be grateful today...and choose joy!
love you